The project developed several services which can be accessed via the following testbeds.
01 / Testbed - PSNC
PSNC is a leading HPC and cloud computing as well as data management
infrastructure and service provider in Poland with 1.7 PFlops (as of
1Q2017) of computing power, 47 PB of storage capacity and two data centres.
Testbed URL: https://cybele.psnc.pl/dashboard/
02 / Testbed - HLRS
The High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) of the University
of Stuttgart is one of the three member centres of the Gauss Centre for
Supercomputing (GCS). HLRS supports national and European researchers
from science and industry by providing high-performance computing
platforms and technologies, services and support. Services are provided
in cooperation with the other two member centres of GCS and with
industrial partners such as hww GmbH (T-Systems, Porsche AG) and SICOS
BW GmbH.
Testbed URL: https://cybele-testbed.hlrs.de/dashboard/
03 / Testbed - WIT
The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) at NUI, Galway is
Ireland's national centre for High-Performance Computing (HPC) providing
e-infrastructure, services and expertise to academia, industry and the
public sector supported by the Department of Further and Higher
Education, Research, Innovation and Skills and the Higher Education
Testbed URL: https://wittestbed.cybele-project.eu/dashboard/
04 / Testbed - BULL
The BULL testbed is hosted on BULL’s NOVA platform. Several HPC nodes
with high-end NVIDIA GPUs and high-performance storage are provided to
Testbed URL: https://cybele-testbed.hlrs.de/dashboard/