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The development of any project that seeks to respond to specific problems that affect a specific population group, or companies in a concrete sector, must focus mainly on the search for effective and efficient solutions to that problem, of course. But, when the time is right, it is just as important to properly disseminate the solution among potential beneficiaries as it is to have previously worked to find it.

CYBELE is approaching that point in its development where the dissemination of results plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing its success. And, from this perspective, our partner Federació Cooperatives Agroalimentàries de la Comunitat Valenciana (CACV) has designed the strategy that it will follow in the coming months for the dissemination in Spain of the actions carried out for more than two years.

What problems do we address through CYBELE?

Let us briefly summarize what has been done so far, before moving on to the established pathways for the dissemination of results. First of all, we started from a need expressed by different actors in the agricultural sector: to have more and better tools to predict and mitigate the effects of extreme phenomena such as hail or frost. To face this need, we are working in a response path with a great potential: the use of supercomputing techniques applied to the productive and agroclimatic data available.

How to deal with them?

With this perspective, CACV began to monitor in 2020, on a weekly basis, the phenological status of different crops (early and extra-early fruit trees, persimmon, citrus fruits of different seasons, mandarins ...), in a series of plots belonging to two of its associated cooperatives, with a study area of more than 100 hectares in each of the areas.

The data, which will continue to be monitored until the beginning of the next year, is transferred to other project partners, who, led by GMV, add them to data from other sources (own and public weather stations, information from the entity of the Spanish agricultural insurance system AGROSEGURO, historical data of cooperatives and other public and private entities, etc.) to process them later.

What do we get out of it?

GMV has led the design of this service on the CYBELE platform, with the objective of anticipating frost and hail phenomena, with a minimum of 48 hours in advance and a few meters of error. It is important to note that the CYBELE platform also offers other services related to precision agriculture, which will be developed and refined as they are used by end users, that will provide their feedback.

Dissemination roadmap

Once the design work for the service on the CYBELE platform has been completed, and to facilitate dissemination, GMV will present a simple simulator of it, which will allow us to make an effective dissemination among different actors in the sector, to know first-hand the opinion of its possible users.

The first event on this roadmap is the presentation of the simulator by GMV to Federació technicians, who in turn have direct contact with the 261 cooperatives associated with the organization.

The next step is to present the simulator to AGROSEGURO, who has collaborated in its design through the transfer of historical data from its archives, which have been of great importance. It is undoubtedly a very useful tool for this entity, the only insurance entity in the complex Spanish agricultural insurance system.

Next, it is intended to develop a series of activities aimed at cooperatives, through bilateral events and mass events, in the three provinces of the Region of Valencia. In these events, it is intended to distribute an online questionnaire to attendees that allows them to know their vision and opinion of the simulator developed.

Through cooperatives and their technicians, the potential scope of dissemination in the Valencian cooperative sector exceeds 180,000 male and female farmers. Additionally, the intention of CACV is to take the simulator to reference events in the sector, such as DATAGRI; as well as activities organized by Agri-food Cooperatives Spain, a national representative entity to which it is associated. In this way, it is intended to exponentially increase the scope of dissemination of the results of the CYBELE project and to get a greater number of cooperatives and farmers to bet on the solutions designed and begin to put them into practice.



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