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Sharing of data in CYBELE

Aiming to handle numerous datasets of different volumes, types and formats that come from many different sources (e.g. agriculture, aquaculture, livestock farming, meteorology, etc.) and in order to make them available in an interoperable and aligned way through a secure and safeguarded framework, CYBELE introduces its Data Policy and Assets Brokerage Engine.

The Data Policy and Assets Brokerage Engine component facilitates the proprietary data sharing and trading features that are offered by the CYBELE Framework in order to link data providers and data consumers at all levels of the value chain without infringing their business-critical data Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). Furthermore, the Data Policy and Assets Brokerage Engine component assures the secure and trustworthy exchange of datasets over the CYBELE platform as it enables the tracing of each and every transaction/ contract in an immutable manner.

The Assets Brokerage Engine serves a dual purpose as it enables the implementation of blockchain-powered contracts both between the data providers and the CYBELE platform and between the data providers and the data consumers.

Regarding the first case, which constitutes the licensing part of the Assets Brokerage Engine, the data provider commences with the provision of the licensing preferences for his/her dataset through an intuitive user interface. The CYBELE platform then sends to the data provider a draft license contract containing these licensing preferences. The data provider reviews the draft license contract and in case of acceptance he/she signs it and the license contract is written as active in the blockchain.

Regarding the second case, which comprises the sharing part of the Assets Brokerage Engine, the data consumer requests for a dataset according to specific desired temporal or spatial filters, provided that the dataset is available for sharing to this consumer. The data provider checks the request and sends a draft data contract to the data consumer, which contains the sharing terms and is also written as draft in the blockchain. The data consumer reviews the draft data contract and in case of acceptance he/she signs it and it is written as final in the blockchain. If a payment is necessary for the acquisition of the dataset, the contract will become active only when the data provider confirms in the CYBELE platform that the payment has been realized (offline payment and check of the transaction, outside the Assets Brokerage Engine). Upon confirmation, the active data contract is written in the blockchain and the dataset becomes available to the data consumer.

During the aforementioned transactions, no datasets are written in the blockchain, while all contract data are written as hashes in the blockchain in order to ensure the privacy of all involved parties and enhance the security of the transactions. Wallets are also required both for data providers and data consumers in order to perform transactions. These wallets are created upon registration of data providers and data consumers in the CYBELE platform.



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