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Webinar on data governance issues in digital agriculture



On line -Webinar 


Target audience:  

Industry and research professionals in food safety prediction


Involved partner(s):




There is no doubt that data-driven agriculture has increased the agricultural production and productivity, reduced the risk and improved resilience in farming, brought more economic and efficient use of natural resources, and helped farmers in decision making. The key actors in agriculture, farmers in general and smallholder farmers in particular feel that they are not the ones who are harnessing the benefits of digital technologies and discourages them from fully adopting them. Farmers have concerns about who controls access to, and sharing of, data that are generated on and their farms, they have concerns about their privacy and their data rights, and in many cases they are not fully aware of the benefits of digital farming. They need assurances of their data sharing and control, they seek transparency and trust. This webinar will focus on farmers’ perspective and how they could actively participate in a more equitable data sharing and exchange in the agri-food value chain by contributing to the design of a fairer data governance framework. The development of ag codes of conduct is an example that will be explored.


A talk related to CYBELE took place about “Data Governance Issues in Digital Agriculture. A farmer’s perspective”.


120th OGC Member Meeting



On line -Conference 


Target audience:  

Global Standardisation, Domain Working Groups


Involved partner(s):




The 120th OGC Member Meeting organised on the 13-17 September 2021. During the Agriculture Domain Group meeting a presentation was realized on best practices for use of standards based on the CYBELE case study. The lessons learned from the CYBELE case was also presented as the proposed approach for new generation standards supporting lightweight contextualized encodings.


Rob Atkinson (OGC) held the presentation Conceptual domain models in API implementation context - JSON-LD and JSON Schema, while Raul Palma (PSNC) promoted CYBELE through the presentation PSNC Research Infrastructure & connections to national/EU roadmaps and standards.




OGC Meetings


Importance of interoperability in the agriculture



On line -Conference 


Target audience:  

Industry and research professionals in precise agriculture


Involved partner(s):




The Agro-Geoinformatics conferences provide an ideal venue for professionals and students to exchange their ideas, research results, professional experiences, the latest developments and future vision of agro-geoinformatics. The Agro-Geoinformatics 2021 conference covered the recent advances in the life cycle of Agro-geoinformatics, from data collection (including field surveys and remote sensing), processing, storing, archiving, preservation, retrieving, transmitting, accessing, visualization, analyzing, synthesizing, presenting, disseminating to decision making.

OGC was a technical sponsor of the conference and Piotr Zaborowski held a keynote speech on European precise agriculture and semantic interoperability recent advancements within European Projects.




Agro-Geoinformatics – International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics

Predictive Analytics as a Food Risk Mitigation Tool



On line -Webinar 


Target audience:  

Food Safety & Quality Leaders & Professionals, Supplier Auditors & Procurement Experts


Involved partner(s):




It's no secret that lab tests and supplier audits are the most widely adopted preventive measures against food recalls and food safety risks. However, did you know that predictive analytics can practically enhance your risk mitigation strategy, by improving these measures?

In this webinar, a real-world case study on how predictive analytics can help improve these risk preventive measures was presented.

Giannis Stoitsis, CTO of Agroknow and Alessandro Ruggeri, Global Suppliers Quality Management at Barilla, showed how to easily optimize lab testing plan, predict emerging risks in your supply chain, and boost your risk assessment process. The webinar was facilitated by Neil Marshall, Managing Director at Guv Consulting International LLC.

This event is carried out within the framework of the EU-funded project Cybele H2020, which is supporting predictive analytics for the food supply chain through the power of state-of-the-art HPC solutions.


Topics The Experts Cover:

  • Efficient Lab Testing: A case study on the challenges of blind lab testing and how to optimize your lab plan.

  • Supplier Assessment: The Case of Sesame Seeds - How food risk predictions could have helped prevent real food recalls from happening.

  • Sleep Safe & Save Budget: The substantial ROI from integrating predictive analytics in your risk mitigation strategy.

This webinar was most valuable to Food Safety & Quality Leaders & Professionals, Supplier Auditors & Procurement Experts who:

  • Feel unsure whether they are well-informed about all food safety incidents regarding their ingredients, products & suppliers.

  • Rely upon limited sources for food recalls and other incidents.

  • Spend too much budget on blind testing.

  • Manually perform critical risk assessment processes using spreadsheets.

  • Are afraid of unexpected & new types of risks appearing in their supply chain.

  • Are looking to stay abreast of the latest technologies in food safety.

31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021)



On line -Conference 


Target audience:  

academia, industry, EC


Involved partner(s):




CYBELE partners from SUITE5 participated in the 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021) submitted and abstract and make a presentation with the title “AI-based crop yield forecasting in Precision Agriculture” by Konstantinos Latanis under the following session:


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research and Applications in Major Industries

Stream: OR for intelligent Energy Services


Invited session

Chair: Spyridon Mouzakitis (ICCS/ DSS)

Chair: Haris Doukas


31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021)




31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021)
Forum Teratec 2021, 22-23-24 June, 2021 - Digital Event



Digital Forum


Target audience:  

Major Simulation and HPC players, solution and technology suppliers, software developers and editors, service providers, universities and research labs, competitiveness clusters and public bodies


Involved partner(s):




CYBELE partners from BULL participated in Forum Teratec 2021 from 22 to 24 June 2021 and made a presentation on “Demonstrator 8: improve sustainability exploitation of fish stocks and prevent overfishing” and “CYBELE Platform architecture”.

Teratec Forum brought together top international experts in High Performance Computing, Simulation and Big Data, as a reference event in France and in Europe in this field. The Forum is a vivid evidence of the strategic importance of these technologies for developing industrial competitiveness and innovation capacity.


Download the presentation here

Public hearing on “Artificial intelligence in agriculture and food security”  



Remote participation


Target audience:  

European Parliament


Involved partner(s):




Cybele present its findings and views on an event organized by the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence at Digital Age (AIDA) which is setup by the European Parliament for analysing the future impact of AI in the EU. Presentation topic "How can AI contribute to a greener, smarter and technologically advanced future agriculture?” during the meeting.





Download he presentation here

119th OGC Member Meeting




On line


Target audience:  

Global Standardisation, Domain Working Groups


Involved partner(s):



The 119th OGC Member Meeting was organised on 14-18 June 2021. During the thematic sessions, CYBELE outcomes in the Definition Server developments were presented. Several use cases were presented. They were discussed on further adoption within Standardisation Program through a dedicated presentation to the Naming Authority group governing cross standard practices, quality, and lifelines and more widely within another session on the ‘Today's Innovation, tomorrow’s tech’ session.

The presentation had the title Importance of interoperability in the agriculture.




OGC Meetings

Session at BDVA Data Week 2021, 26 May 2021
Future challenges in IoT, AI, and convergence of HPC & Cloud & Big Data



On line


Target audience:  

Big Data, BDVA community, Data Week participants, academia, industry, R&D stakeholders


Involved partner(s):



The Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI research and innovation community. This year, Data Week was held online from 25th to the 27th of May. It followed the tradition of the Big Data Value Summit, promoting opportunities, knowledge sharing and fostering Big Data and Data-Driven AI ecosystem development. The 2021 edition of the Data Week aimed at bringing together the research and innovation community working on Data, Big Data and Data-Driven AI, promoting opportunities for this community to grow and strengthening the ties with the Portuguese ecosystem. 


ICT-11 projects (CYBELE, LEXIS, DeepHealth, IoTwins, EVOLVE, INFINITECH) organised a special session with the title “Future challenges in IoT, AI, and convergence of HPC & Cloud & Big Data” in order to promote their technical outcomes and identify HPC/Cloud/BigData, IoT and AI challenges from the projects’ point of view brainstorming on concepts for future solutions. Sophia Karagiorgou from UBITECH participated in the event and made a presentation with the title “Future challenges in IoT, AI, and convergence of HPC & Cloud & Big Data: The CYBELE Case”. Fifty (50) stakeholders from academia, industry and R&D participated in the event.


Download the pesentation here

Food Risk Predictions for companies without a Data Science Team



On line Webinar


Target audience:  

Industry and research professionals in food safety prediction

Involved partner(s):



Not all food companies have data science teams. They still need to predict risks affecting critical key ingredients and suppliers. Kelsey Robson (ABP Food Group) and Mihalis Papakonstantinou (Agroknow) presented such a case study. This is how to build a robust tailor-made prediction model for your supply chain with the #1 food risk prediction software.

This event is carried out within the framework of the EU-funded project Cybele H2020, which is supporting predictive analytics for the food supply chain through the power of state-of-the-art HPC solutions.


Key Takeaway Values:

  • Emerging Risk Identification: Set Automated alerts to get all, relevant to you, food safety data curated and analyzed.

  • Automated Risk Ranking: Design a dynamic, time effective & constantly updated risk calculation for your ingredients & suppliers.

  • Timely Risk Prediction: Learn how you can design your tailor-made risk prediction model and identify the next major food safety incident at your supply chain. The event will be facilitated by Neil Marshall, Managing Director, Guv Consulting International LLC.

The event was successfully implemented and gathered 372 attendees.


Webinar: Food Risk Predictions for companies without a Data Science Team | LinkedIn

The Promise & Perils of Predictive Analytics




On line


Target audience:  

Industry and research professionals in food safety prediction


Involved partner(s):



Let’s talk about predictive analytics. Can this AI-powered technology help predict food risks before they occur? Or will it become yet another overrated technology hype?

During this webinar, many acclaimed professionals share their thoughts on questions about how an AI-powered digital “crystal ball” can help predict risks through predictive analytics by using the power of up-to-date data and data sets.

This event is carried out within the framework of the EU-funded project Cybele H2020, which is supporting predictive analytics for the food supply chain through the power of state-of-the-art HPC solutions.


Topics covered include:

  • Which are the critical food risk prevention questions that predictive analytics may help answer?

  • What kind of public or private data assets will be essential in order to train and feed such applications?

  • How realistic is it to arrive at really usable applications that can systematically help prevent food risks before they happen?


Speakers:Carletta Ooton, VP Product Assurance, Risk & Security, Amazon

Zoltan Syposs, VP Quality, Safety & Environment, The Coca-Cola Company

Donald Prater, Associate Commissioner for Imported Food Safety, U.S. FDA

Facilitator: Chris Elliott, Professor of Food Safety, Queen’s University Belfast

Commentator: Nikos Manouselis, Founder & CEO, Agroknow

See more here.

3rd Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) workshop seminar

Seminar On line


Target audience:  

PLF researchers in the public sector


Involved partner(s):



The annual PLF workshop seminar aims at sharing ongoing and future research with each other, with a focus on the discussion of methodology and the problems you encounter. As such, we build a valuable network of like-minded people in an informal and inclusive setting.” CYBELE partner from UCPH participated in the seminar presenting the Abstract: 

Hakansson, F., Jensen, D. B. (2021). Exploring temporal data analysis: Video-based classification of damaging behaviour in pigs using a combination of CNN and RNN. Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming Workshop Seminar, 13-14 April 2021, KU Leuven, Belgium.


Download Abstract here


Download Presentation here

PLF WS image for website.PNG
HPC, Big Data, IoT and AI future industry-driven collaborative strategic topics 

On line


Target audience:  

Big Data, BDVA community

Involved partner(s):



The integration of Big Data, AI, IoT, Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing and HPC technologies allows exploiting large volumes of data coming from diverse and heterogeneous data sources by deploying data processing and data analytics tasks along the Computing Continuum. Building upon previous workshops held during 2020 with the H2020 ICT11 projects, this session aimed at identifying research and innovation needs in terms of convergence and alignment of the basic technologies and their utilization by industry, especially SMEs. Focus areas in the HPC-HPDA spectrum include Data, workflows, HPC/Cloud infrastructure to edge and AI/ML training. The session also aimed at engaging the new EuroHPC JU projects addressing these focus areas. Outcomes are relevant for the future research and innovation activities in both the EuroHPC JU, and the AI, Data and Robotics.

Sophia Karagiorgou (UBITECH) presented the CYBELE project, its contribution and services, in the relevant session along with other ICT-11 projects, such as DeepHealth, LEXIS, Evolve, IoTwins, Infinitech.


Find more here.

Food Risk Assessment & Prediction

On line Webinar


Target audience:  

industry and research professionals in food safety prediction


Involved partner(s):



It’s no secret that performing risk assessment of an international food supply chain is a laborious task.

It sometimes takes weeks, or even months, to complete a full risk assessment cycle of key ingredients and suppliers.

It also takes lots of effort to combine a variety of data sources with expert knowledge, calculating risk indicators that can support important decisions.

This is a challenge that most Food Safety and Quality Executives, Supplier Auditors & Procurement Experts are facing.

Chris Elliott, Professor of Food Safety at Queen’s University Belfast, and John Stoitsis, CTO and partner at Agroknow, shared tips and insights on how to use real-time data and AI to perform faster and more efficient food risk assessment. During this webinar, one could learn how to achieve successful Risk Identification, automated Risk Assessment and ultimately use Risk Prediction effectively. But how can Data collection and interpretation, combined with Predictive Analytics and AI-powered algorithms, contribute to overcoming this challenging task?

The event was facilitated by Neil Marshall, Managing Director at Guv Consulting International LLC and was carried out within the framework of the EU-funded project Cybele H2020, which is supporting predictive analytics for the food supply chain through the power of state-of-the-art HPC solutions.

- Discover how to get efficient food risk assessment & predictions, using digital software technologies.

- Build a fortified risk assessment & prevention process, powered by real-time data and analytics.


Webinar on Food Risk Assessment & Prediction | LinkedIn

Predictive Analytics for Food Risk Prevention: Towards visually appealing & highly interactive predictions

On line


Target audience:  

industry and research professionals in food safety prediction


Involved partner(s):



In this webinar, hosted by Agroknow & KU Leuven Research University, insights were presented into the business challenges for the food industry as well as the scientific challenges for UX researchers regarding predictive analytics, and how to overcome them.

Main topics discussed:

  • From a business question to a risk dashboard: the food safety intelligence equation

  • Designing an appealing, interactive & trustful prediction dashboard: visualization components & technologies

  • A Food Risk Prediction Dashboard example and how it works

This event is carried out within the framework of the EU-funded project Cybele H2020, which is supporting predictive analytics for the food supply chain through the power of state-of-the-art HPC solutions.


Webinar on Predictive Analytics for Food Risk Prevention | LinkedIn

Combining HPC, Big Data and Cloud technologies for scalable big data analytics of precision agriculture and livestock farming use cases deployed on supercomputers

On line


Target audience:  

External relevant stakeholders, end-users

Involved partner(s):

All Cybele Technical partners


1st prototype version of Cybele platform (representing the outcomes of the first 2 years’ developments for CYBELE project) combining HPC, Big-Data and Cloud hardware and software for scalable data analytics executions.


During the workshop was explored the selected challenges of precision agriculture and livestock farming use cases in terms of data treatment while showcasing the solutions and optimizations in deploying data analytics on real-scale production supercomputers through the framework provided by CYBELE platform.

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